I see one of the shit-sticks involved in the Eve Carson murder was on probation for a slew of other crimes, including murdering a Duke graduate student during another robbery. What an amazing turn of events? I never saw that coming. I wonder if he was in a gang? I wonder if he dropped out of school and reads at a third grade level? What I found even more amusing were the comments about his face being bruised at the time of his arrest. Oh no! How dare the police beat up the murderer. It's not his fault he's evil. It's everybody else's fault. Everybody failed him. His teachers. His parents. The system. They all failed this guy. He had no obligation to follow our rules. We had the obligation to take care of him from cradle to grave.
He should be set on fire and thrown down an elevator shaft.
He should be set on fire and thrown down an elevator shaft.
Well, we've already discussed the BRUISING situation (while we were supposed to be paying attention to Royce) but it's important to remember that this incident of mistreatment by the police may lead him down a life of crime - which I'm sure he only engages in as a means to fight the power structure (or because it keeps him in such high fashion). It's great that whatever contributions Eve would have made to society are cut short but we'll be blessed with all his future contributions - and even enjoy paying for them. The surprise is that he was no surprise
"Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent" Adam Smith, 1758
...you should know by now, nothing is anyone's fault (except the police, we're always faulty) ... and people don't really want to punish criminals (remember: rehabilitation? ... as if you can fix them).
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