Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Very Smooth

Let's say you've just kicked back a couple of shots at the club and it's time to go home. You're going to follow a friend back to the house or whatever. You go out to the parking lot and notice a cop parked less than fifty feet away, his interior lights on, writing reports. Do you:

A) Decide not to drive because you're drunk.
B) Leave slowly and inconspicously, hoping not to draw attention to yourself.
C) Drive donuts around and around your friend in a pickup truck, all the while honking your horn over and over and yelling, "Woo-hoo!" out the window.

Tonight the answer was C. What a fucking idiot...........

Monday, February 16, 2009

Octomom is an Octoidiot

Why would someone let this person have 14 kids?
If she wears makeup, she might look just like?????????????

Why would anyone let her have kids? Maybe because she's jobless, useless, and emotionally disturbed. Yeah, that must be it. Don't we have enough fuck-ups in this country? Now we have to make room for 14 more. Unless she wigs out and drowns them all in a bathtub.