Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nasty Stuff

I was called by a friend who, for no apparent reason, thought it was necessary to report the following information to me:

While waiting in the drive-through line at Wendy's he noticed, sitting mere inches from his car, a colostomy bag full of excrement. Someone, Poseidon only knows why, detached the bag of shit and casually placed it on the pavement. Why?

I then detailed an event from last week in which I noticed a skinny older man throwing up over the outside railing at Pegasis Video (Gay Porn shop). Now, having worked around these places for years, I know they make most of their money on video booths in the back of the shop. And I've been to quite a few calls where someone had sex in a booth and got their wallet stolen in the process. I even met a guy who said his job was to "mop up" the booth's every couple of hours, which he described as the most disgusting job ever.

So I ask you, for a man who has been inside this establishment, and seen the things he's obviously seen, what could cause him to throw up over the railing of the front porch? Had to be nasty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Now, having worked around these places for years, "

c'mon... who're you kidding...

replace: "around" with "in" or "for"

or, more probably, replace: "worked" with "danced" and finish the sentence with "in a belly shirt, fishnets, and gimp mask"