Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chlamydian Blues

How does a love triangle, or quadrangle, work out? Funny! Always funny, unless you're the one who got an S.T.D. The man was from Gambia. His wife works full time and takes care of their two children, one of which was recently born. The other day she gets a call from the doctor's office. You see, the newborn was unexpectedly premature, so the doctor ran a battery of tests on her to determine why. Evidently she has Chlamydia. This disturbed her because she has never had sex with anyone but her husband, and they've been married five years.

Angry, she takes his cell phone and goes through all the numbers. She finds a number she doesn't recognize and calls it. This is when she meets another woman, her husband's girlfriend of five months. But, quite disturbingly, the woman tells her she's never had intercourse with the husband, only oral sex. So the wife assumes there must be at least one other woman.

So the girlfriend and wife decide to confront the husband while he's at work. This doesn't go well and he leaves via the back door. They follow him to his home and this is when everything falls apart. Rather than apologizing, or admitting he's ever done any wrong, he savagely attacks the girlfriend for telling on him. Witnesses describe that he, "Beat her like a man." Now he's sitting in jail on a forty eight hour domestic violence hold.

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