Monday, January 26, 2009


If you want to piss off anyone by using one word, make it "guy." "How's it going, guy?" This says several things to the recipient, and none of them positive. It says you don't know my name and you're too lazy to ask. It trivializes our conversation as if anything I say is not worthy of your attention. In fact, once you use "guy," I tend to discount everything you say and, secretly, hope you fall down an elevator shaft and somehow burst into flames.


Anonymous said...

When my father was in the hospital before he died, the staff kept calling him, "buddy." You do not KNOW how much I hated hearing that all the time. Almost as much as I hate someone at the register calling me "Sweetie" or "Hon"...

Hoy said...

A buddy of mine who bartended told me anyone who ever called him "Captain", "Chief", or "Buddy" was guaranteed to never get served