Tuesday, July 29, 2008

CCBI Stupidity

The City County Bureau of Identification is where cops process arrestee's. Like any other government agency, it is fraught with mismanagement and waste. But the employees work very hard, so I'm not trying to bash them.

This weekend I spent nearly twenty hours waiting on prisoners to be finished with processing. The reason for this is on weekends police make high numbers of arrests. But CCBI is under-staffed. The genius that devised their schedule has the same amount of processing agents working on Monday morning as they do on weekend nights, when the place is overrun with drunk drivers.

If this were a position in the private sector they would fire the manager for incompetence. But because it is a government position, and they are not fiscally rewarded for good management, this clown continues to occupy the position. And we continue to get answers like, "Upper management is aware of the situation and will address it soon."

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