Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Very Smooth

Let's say you've just kicked back a couple of shots at the club and it's time to go home. You're going to follow a friend back to the house or whatever. You go out to the parking lot and notice a cop parked less than fifty feet away, his interior lights on, writing reports. Do you:

A) Decide not to drive because you're drunk.
B) Leave slowly and inconspicously, hoping not to draw attention to yourself.
C) Drive donuts around and around your friend in a pickup truck, all the while honking your horn over and over and yelling, "Woo-hoo!" out the window.

Tonight the answer was C. What a fucking idiot...........


Anonymous said...

I choose (B)con't...but do anyway b/c your tag lights have burnt out, leaving a non-illuminated license plate. Thumbs up drive-by backup officer, all is well on Creedmoor!

Officer "Smith" said...

That reminds me of a funny. In fact, I think I'll post that funny over on my blog.