Thursday, April 17, 2008


Once again the gun control Nazi's are seeking to keep honest, law-abiding citizens from owning handguns. The challenge to Washington's law is ridiculous. Anyone, including any vaguely interested third grader, is able to see the D. C. gun control laws enacted in the early seventies have had zero effect on gun violence. In fact, D.C. was credited as the murder capital of the United States in the early nineties, while having a complete ban on handgun ownership.

Some blame Virginia for the problem, suggesting criminals are able to travel a short distance to get their grubby little hands on guns. But that doesn't explain why Virginia has less than one tenth the gun violence as Washington, yet no restrictive gun laws.

As a cop, I want every law-abiding citizen (who takes the time to become proficient with it) to have the option to carry. The simple fact of the matter is the police will come to help you, but they usually arrive two to three minutes after you need it. We can't be everywhere at once. If a shit-stick tries to jack your car, I want him to be met with a bullet in the head. Not to slash your face, hurl you into the street, and drive off with your groceries.

The gun Nazi's have some idealistic belief that deep down all people are nice. That people only hurt others when they're desperate. But that isn't the case. I've seen a fifteen year old thug smash a pizza guy's head in with a brick for nothing other than to take a pie. He wasn't starving. He wasn't underprivileged. He just thought it would be cool to show off to his boys. He, and everyone like him, should be melted down in a giant vat of acid.


Anonymous said...

Yup! You got that right!

Geoff said...

wait a minute --

A ticket for possession of marijuana?

Can you tell me a bit more - do these tickets stand in line behind me for my late inspection?