Saturday, April 5, 2008

Ghost Hunters

I was watching the "Ghost Hunters" today. Not because I wanted to, but to please my wife, who enjoys the show. I think they are full of crap, but she enjoys it, so who am I to judge? They were checking out this rich couple's home for ghosts because the couple's daughter kept seeing shadows in the bedroom and everyone hears footsteps overhead when nobody is upstairs.

The team investigates and they have the "Reveal," where they inform the home owner of what was found during the hunt. Evidently, the home is possessed by a human spirit, someone just like you and me, except without the body. This spiritual "form" haunts the home, but is not dangerous to the owners.

Aside from the entire show being horse-shit, I always hope the "Reveal" will elicit unusual suggestions, such as:

1) Make your daughter wear a chastity belt before going to bed, ma'am, so she doesn't get anally raped by the spirit.

2) Invest in our "Home Cleansing" program. That's where we urinate in every room of your home and hang massive garlic cloves to ward off evil.

3) For $8,000 we can masturbate on your pillows. This will ensure the ghost won't rape your mouth while you snore at night. Quite the bargain!

I need to start my own paranormal society so I can fill people's heads full of nonsense and bilk them out of money. Oh, wait a minute, I have morals. I guess that rules me out.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

I'm always amused by the innocent thought that people wouldn't just lie about such things.
It never seems to occur to many folks that being HONEST and not giving factual accounts of events, are NOT mutually exclusive.
People are regularly, and I'd say even more than that - USUALLY unable to provide anything but hyper-active nonsense causes for things. Most of us aren't James Randi, and we can't expect most folks to be so. It's too bad too, because Id' love for more people to be able to understand that causation for phenomena requires a little more than just someone saying so! But, that's beside the point.
People don't have to be deliberate liars to believe and spread foolishness. They just require their own half baked belief systems.